
Breaking: Frog removed of girls private part after she slept with a scammer ( video)

Breaking: Frog removed of priva part after she sleppt with a scammer ( video)Many people in Buea, South West region of Cameroon have been left in shock after watching a video of a frog being pulled out from a wman’s privte part.

The video which is circulating online accompanied with a WhatsApp voice note happened to be mistakenly leaked.

The video broke the internet and has left many people struggling to get the awful sight of a frog coming out of a wman’s pri*vvate part* out of their minds.

The video drew some hilarious comments on social media, especially from men.

Some gents are even angry saying that they will never trust wmen again after watching that video, questioning if frogs are the reason why some Vs grip

“I can’t believe we thought they had punai prints, kanti it was the frog stretching all along. I’ll never ever trust women,” Mahlatsi tweeted.

Some men were even thinking of using alternative ways to help themselves instead of poking.

Watch download video through camaboom telegram channel only

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The lady in question has not yet been identified.

Lot’s of scary scenes Coming from Buea this year, year, the previous was how ladies charm men using Kayamata in Buea