Gospel Music Prosper Germoh

Love world singer Prosper Germoh begins the year in a grand style with the Eternal echoes EP

Love world singer Prosper Germoh begins the year in a grand style with the Eternal echoes EP

Prosper Germoh
Prosper Germoh

KADOSH is part of the Ep and would be released on 30/01/2022
God gave prosper germoh a clear mandate to lead His children into deep worship and high praise through his Music, Teachings and other Anointed materials, thereby bringing about a deep fellowship and genuine relationship with the Holy Spirit.
There’s a new sound in the spirit and it is the sound of worship. You can praise anyone, but you can only worship God.
This is the era when true worshippers will touch God and experience a fresh fire of revival.
Kadosh isn’t just another worship song, it is the song of the spirit for this season.
I pray this ushers you into a new realm of deep-heartfelt worship and we worship His Holiness as we anticipate.
Don’t forget to subscribe to his youth channel: Prosper Germoh