
‘Stanley Enow controls the entertainment industry of Cameroon” Facebook user said, read details

‘Stanley Enow controls the entertainment industry of Cameroon” Facebook user said, read details.

Stanley Enow

A Facebook user named Gina Amaka has just given strange remarks about Stanley Enow on a Facebook post saying Stanley controls the music industry of Cameroon. “Stanley controls the entertainment industry of Cameroon, just one sentence and the whole country is talking” she posted. 

Her statement came barely weeks ago as Stanley Enow AKA King Kong said in a show that DJs should limit playing foreign music in Cameroon night club hours upon hours. ” I love you all but stop playing foreign music hours upon hours in night Club”  The statement by Stanley Enow has kept many people in Cameroon and abroad talking for the past few weeks.

According to Amaka, since Stanley caused many people talking, he definitely controls the entertainment industry of Cameroon. Stanley Enow also later posted this ” I know how to make them talk”.

Stanley Enow is a nominee ( Best Anglophone Act) at the MAMA which is currently ongoing, you can vote for him via this link: https://www.mtvmama.com/info/aljvas/vote

You can equally interact with him on Facebook via this link:https://www.facebook.com/545259878847685/posts/5032892083417753/?app=fbl

What’s your opinion about this trending controversial issue ( foreign vs domestic music) that was initiated by King Kong and almost everyone is talking about? I look forward to hearing from you soon in the comment section.