Why you should never share your YouTube videos to your family members and friends ( Wrong Audiences)
Why you should never share your YouTube videos to your family members and friends |
Many of us Believe in what we hear, not what we have seen.
“I hear say when they watch man Yi videos for YouTube e dey make money”
Many people believe in the above but they don’t know about Subscribers, Watch Time, RPM CTR etc which are the metrics used be YouTube to determine is a YouTuber will make money or not
Here’s what happened when you share your videos to the wrong people
1, They reduce watch Time and impression
That’s they click and watch your videos just few seconds and skip or share to others. When someone doesn’t watch a video to the end on YouTube, YouTube assumes it is less important and will not recommend it to others.
2, Your family members, friends and mates might not be your audience.
When you share your YouTube videos to them, they might just watch short parts, like Comment and move on just to impress you. This fake leads to hope and a dead channel.
Before sharing your videos to your friends and family, be sure they are equally interested in your content.
Also note that your friends and family are doing this ignorantly, so it’s your place to educate them.
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